Exam & Audit Findings Management Software
Findings come from everywhere across your financial institution. With Nfindings, our comprehensive audit findings software, you can achieve immediate visibility for faster resolution. Confidently manage findings from internal and external compliance reviews, audits, and exams.
Audit issue management software trusted by thousands of financial institutions across the country

Accelerate Remediation with Audit Tracking Software
Access and manage findings from internal and external sources in real-time, so you have what you need when you need it.
Manage Findings in Real-Time
Nfindings’ centralized dashboard delivers a comprehensive and in-depth view of all your compliance, exam, and audit findings in real time. Develop robust action plans while prioritizing your most pressing actions.
Track Your Progress
Assign remediation tasks and track progress with ease. Know who is responsible for each finding and where your institution is in the remediation process. Audits and compliance tests provide critical information for remediation efforts. But without the ability to assign action steps and track progress, financial institutions risk having the same issues reappear in audits and during exams.
Benefit from Expert Advice
Your relationship with Ncontracts does not end after you purchase our exam and audit findings software. Our risk and compliance experts possess real-world banking experience, assisting with implementation, testing, and offering continued support.
Consolidate Your Findings
Findings come from everywhere, from compliance to IT and everywhere in between. Make it easy to track all issues wherever they appear so that no finding falls through the cracks.
One-Click Reporting
When examiners, the board or management ask for an update on findings remediation, don’t make them wait. Produce board-ready reports in minutes – not hours.
Simple Exam and Audit Findings Management
Run down the list of everything your compliance team does during the day – issue management and tracking shouldn’t be on it. Our issue management software empowers financial institutions to take control of their audit and exam findings, dealing with deficiencies promptly and expertly.
Create an Audit Trail
Our audit issue management software offers an accessible system for logging findings-related activities. Tracking progress for compliance and operational findings and assigning role-based access to internal and external users enables financial institutions to create a clear audit trail for regulators.

Automate Your Findings Management
Many financial institutions still rely on manual processes for findings management. Depending on Excel spreadsheets and email to deal with issues uncovered by compliance reviews, audits, and exams is inefficient. Nfindings delivers automated task reminders and notifications, helping you track the steps you need to take.

Track Findings on an Interactive Dashboard
Our interactive dashboard gives financial institutions a bird-eye view of all their findings. Zoom in to view individual reports and collaborate with task owners on resolution. Create a hierarchy of findings to discover your institution’s most pressing issues and generate reports at the click of a button.

Integrate Nfindings with Our Other Solutions
Nfindings integrates with:
- Nverify (our powerful compliance and auditing software)
- Nvendor (track findings for specific vendors)
- Ncomply (for regulatory compliance findings)
- Nrisk (managing findings from internal risk controls).

Best Practices for Tracking Audit & Exam Findings
Download this whitepaper for insights into:
- Best practices for effective findings management
- Strategies for minimizing the number of findings
- How to leverage findings as a risk management tool
- The relationship between findings and audits
Request a Demo to See How our Audit Findings Software Can Help Your Financial Institution
Organizing the findings from your compliance reviews, audits, and exams leads to faster resolution, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Speak with one of our experts to learn more about our audit issue management software.
6 Findings Management Practices Examiners Need
How do you ensure your institution has a proactive, effective findings management program that will stand up to examiner scrutiny?
Learn how Ncontracts helps Montecito Bank
- Hold fewer meetings
- See risk in real time
- Ease exam prep
- Minimize headcount
- Simplify reporting
6 Features to Look for in a Findings Management Solution
Every financial institution has findings from exams and audits that need to be dealt with. The big question is: How do you ensure they are all effectively remediated?