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Risk and Compliance Management Software for Mortgage Lenders

As a lender, you need visibility into your lending practices so you can reduce risk, prevent costly errors, and maximize opportunities to expand your business, while staying compliant.

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Laws, Standards, & Agreements
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LOS Partners
work directly with Ncontracts, enabling you to easily import records
Average Increase in Efficiency
with Ncontracts time-saving software & solutions
integrated solution for Mortgage Lenders

Risk Performance Management Suite

Ncontracts RPM Suite combines risk, vendor, compliance, and findings management solutions to drive efficiency and help your institution make smarter decisions.

Vendor Management

See the big picture of your third-party risk

Decrease risk exposure and increase exam readiness. With our user-friendly, customizable dashboards, your organization can store, track, and manage information throughout the lifecycle of each vendor. Learn more.

Risk Management

Risk management software, simplified.

Still using fragmented manual processes for risk management? Switch to efficient, user-friendly risk management tools that offer institution-wide access. Learn more.

Cyber Monitoring (1)
Compliance Management

Keep up with all the applicable changes in regulations

Easily track applicable rule or regulation changes, confirm training, track consumer complaints, and assure your team of the adequacy of your compliance management system. Learn more.


Integrated risk, compliance, and vendor management that allows you to do more with less.


See how our client converted risk into a competitive advantage with our RPM Suite
Case Study

See how Ncontracts RPM suite helped a financial institution like yours save thousands of professional hours each year, avoid costly and unnecessary headaches, and convert risk into a competitive advantage. 

our solutions

Efficient Mortgage Risk and Compliance Management Software Solutions

Drive efficiency and build a risk management culture resulting in smarter, faster decisions.  

"I’ve gotten back weeks of productivity that I can use in other areas within our business. It’s a big timesaver. The cool thing about it is what work I do in there actually transfers through all the other modules we own and use."
Troy Cyrus

Compliance Officer, Emery Federal Credit Union

"My advice for financial institutions thinking about Ncontracts is to go ahead and do it. It's one of the best softwares that we have used, and it's all encompassing. It gets all departments together on one system."
Jamie Kibler

Chief Compliance Officer, Richwood Bank

Request A Demo

Dive into mortgage regulatory compliance and risk software with a Solution Advisor

Help your financial institution streamline all the aspects of compliance, risk, and vendor management with ease.

resources for mortgage lenders

Articles & Thought Leadership

Everything from Fair Lending Compliance to Business Continuity Management

Regulatory Compliance in 2023: We Answer Your Top 5 Questions

Regulatory Compliance in 2023: We Answer Your Top 5 Questions

February 02, 2023 4 min read
Are Your Written Lending Policies Keeping Pace with the Economic Environment?

Are Your Written Lending Policies Keeping Pace with the Economic Environment?

October 20, 2022 3 min read
8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths - and the Realities!

8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths - and the Realities!

June 27, 2022 2 min read