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Guardians of the Risk: A Practical Application of Risks and Controls: Vol.1 - Mobile Banking

On Demand

Sometimes it can seem like you may need a team of intergalactic warriors to help your financial institution 1) truly grasp all facets of risk management as applied, 2) create and/or maintain processes for mobile risk, and 3) appreciate the cost of a misstep in the risk management lifecycle. Ncontracts CEO Michael Berman can take all of the guesswork out of the risk management process by walking you through each necessary touchpoint for mobile risk. On this webinar, Michael will show you just how many ways the example of Mobile Banking touches risk areas in every area of the financial institution. From vendor management to enterprise risk management, cyber, audit and exam findings, and business continuity planning, you’ll learn:

  • how KPIs, KRIs, strategic plans, risk assessments, SLAs, vendor due diligence, compliance management all tie in
  • how vital it is to utilize an automation tool to keep the myriad details organized
  • how important your role is to the FI to insure it remains operational
  • how detrimental it can be to not tackle risk management effectively

This webinar is for seasoned risk managers and neophytes alike in viewing first-hand how this work can effectively address the complete lifecycle of vendor and risk management.