Nsight Blog | Ncontracts

3 HMDA Compliance Challenges & How Fair Lending Analytics Provides Answers

Written by Trey Sullivan | Mar 1, 2017 8:14:12 PM

With the 2016 HMDA data submission upon us, now is the time to start analyzing your HMDA data so that Fair Lending risks don't go unchecked. Here's how Ncontracts can help.

It's March 1, which means that everyone is thinking about HMDA - including us.

With the HMDA submission deadline, we've been getting lots of requests about HMDA analysis, HMDA Plus data collection, rumored changes to HMDA and Dodd-Frank, and everything in between. HMDA and Fair Lending compliance are changing, and that can be stressful.

You owe it to yourself to make the HMDA data collection, file integrity check, submission, and data analysis as simple and efficient as possible.

Data analysis is traditionally one of the most complicated, time-consuming and stressful phases of Fair Lending compliance.

You don't want to spend weeks or months implementing software, you aren't a statistician (probably), and pivot tables just won't cut it anymore. 

That's where Ncontracts comes in.

In this post, we're going to discuss how we can help you navigate the challenges of HMDA and Fair Lending compliance. We're taking a little different approach than most others found here, and may be considered by some to be too sales-y. We understand those concerns, but feel that the blog is the best medium for letting everyone know about the changes we've made that can better serve you. So with that, here we go!

As you may have heard, we've been working hard to improve, enhance and extend the functionality of Nfairlending, our compliance analytics software. While we've kept quiet on this significant update, we're finally ready and excited to share the some of the details with you, readers, and the world.

Internally, we talk a lot about client-driven innovation (listening to our clients) and client success (doing everything we can to make our clients successful). Those ideas have driven our work on both Nfairlending, and the process we've developed to make sure our clients get the most value from our relationship with them.     

We're proud to announce that Ncontracts is now a single software platform with multiple subscription options (modules) that allow you to tackle Fair Lending, HMDA, CRA, and Redlining compliance in a fraction of the time and with more clarity than ever before. 

Nfairlending includes: 

  • Fair Lending Analytics for HMDA Reporters 
  • Fair Lending Analytics for Non-HMDA Reporters 
  • Redlining Analytics 
  • CRA Analytics 

Today, we'll be focusing on how our HMDA software can help you answer the key challenges.

Below are a few HMDA challenges and how Nfairlending can help.  

HMDA Challenge: Quickly and easily getting the insights you need about your risk exposure.

Nfairlending Solution: Simply upload your data into the Nfairlending platform. It is an easy process and we're always on hand to help. Once your data is uploaded, we will help you conduct Fair Lending statistical analysis with the use of the interactive tables, charts, maps and graphs found in the system. Potential risks are highlighted so that it's easy to visualize potential focal points. 

The best part? Every subscription comes with a guided, expert-led review of your data. In this review, you will learn what disparities to pay attention to, identify areas that are likely to catch a regulator's eye, and have the opportunity to ask questions.

You'll also be assigned a dedicated success team, who will help ensure that you get the most value out of Nfairlending.

HMDA Challenge: Sharing the analysis results with your Board, Sr. Management and team.

Nfairlending Solution: This is the easiest part! All of the dashboards are easily printable, and you can even print the entire report to share with your team. Risks are highlighted, just like in the digital version, and the printed report is just as easy to navigate.


HMDA Challenge: Determining which disparities matter, and how to mitigate those risks.

Nfairlending Solution: This part of Fair Lending analysis is tough for most compliance departments, and one of the areas where our Nfairlending system differentiates itself.

As mentioned above, in the guided review, your Fair Lending analyst will analyze your data with you and explain your risks. They will also help show you the ones that are statistically significant, and may draw the attention of your examiners. In that review, your analyst will provide valuable insights that you can leverage. However, if you have deeper questions, our team is here to help. We really are a partner to our clients.


While this post focused on HMDA Analytics, each of these tools can help you in similar ways with different areas of compliance. One great benefit of these compliance softwares is that users can slice, drill down and filter their data in ways previously unimaginable. These dashboards, graphs, charts, tables and maps, have been designed to be comprehensive, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand. The system has also been redesigned to accommodate any size institution, from a small community bank or credit union to the largest national lenders.

As you can tell, we are really proud of what we've built. We know Nfairlending is the best system of its kind available today.

We've shared the new Nfairlending system with most of our existing clients, and the response has been amazing. We've begun to share the system with potential new clients as well, and they are equally complimentary. We want to thank everyone who provided feedback and contributed to the enhancements, and for their patience with us as we worked hard to "get it right."  We could not have done it without your input. 

[We're excited to share what we've been working on and to show off a little by doing a quick demo of the new system for you. Click here to set one up...even if you've got another solution in-house. We won't tell.]

Thank you for your support and allowing us this opportunity to "toot our own horn" a little. If you want to learn more about Nfairlending, just click here!