Nsight Blog | Ncontracts

Vendor Management

Written by Ncontracts | Oct 31, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Vendor management refers to all the systems, strategies, and techniques used to get more value from every vendor and third-party service provider working with a company to achieve the company’s aims.

Vendor management begins before the relationship starts when the institution is first considering using the services the vendor provides. Once an agreement has been reached between a vendor and the company, management of the vendor continues throughout the relationship. If the vendor relationship ends, that process must be managed properly as well.

Managing vendors well includes the process of creating the right contract for the relationship. Storing contracts and locating them as needed is an essential part of managing vendors according to the agreement between the vendor and the institution.

Goals of vendor management are that the third-party provider is efficient, secure, and reliable. Vendors need to be assessed for the level of service they provide. Results must be measured at each stage of the relationship to ensure that the vendor is performing well and supplying excellent services.

To manage vendors effectively, the institution must mitigate risks with vendor risk management techniques and monitoring. Data security is an important task of vendor management, to ensure that the vendor’s handling of consumer information and other data remains safe and private.

The firm needs information about the vendor’s business continuity plan. The institution needs to know what safeguards the vendor has in place to deal with issues like cybersecurity and data loss. Effective vendor management can help control costs that are associated with vendor risks.

Superior vendor management processes make it possible for the firm to gain the most benefit from working with the vendor. These processes ensure the products and services provided by the vendor are delivered satisfactorily. The practice of sound vendor management techniques allows the company to use vendors to fulfill the aims of its own organization.


Related: Vendor Risk Countdown: Top 10 Risks Third-Party Vendors Pose to Your Financial Institution