Nsight Blog | Ncontracts

What Does the N in Ncontracts Stand for Anyway?

Written by Michael Berman | Feb 6, 2018 2:17:28 PM

Nashville? Network? Need?

Those are just a few of the most common guesses when people ask me what the N in Ncontracts stands for.

The real answer is a little more complicated. The N actually stands for inside (or Nside as I like to think of it).

I started Ncontracts in 2009 because I saw that while there were many solutions that looked great on the surface, when you looked under the hood too many programs just didn’t work. They were more like shells than solutions.

My goal with Ncontracts was, and continues to be, to grow a company that was more than a destination for work to be completed, but a source of valuable information with guaranteed accuracy. I wanted to build solutions that delivered on their promises and helped institutions like yours be more efficient, informed and compliant. It’s all about connecting data, streamlining work and centralizing information to identify and manage risk at all levels. It’s all about what’s inside.

I was reminded of this just the other week. I was talking with one of our clients after they had completed a business continuity planning test with our solution and services. The institution had developed its BCP three years ago before adopting Ncontinuity. The plan was based on an assumption that the institution had full back-up at a sister institution, but our testing revealed that it did not work.

It was a major oversight. For three years, the institution operated under a misbelief that could have caused catastrophic losses. No one had ever tested the plan. No one had looked under the hood. I’m relieved to know that we found and helped fill a huge gap in our client’s BCP, but I shudder to think what would have happened if a disaster had struck during that period.

In the world of risk management, details matter. From contracts, vendor management and BCP to findings, enterprise risk management and cybersecurity, there’s no room for material errors. The consequences are too great.

That’s why Ncontracts is all about the quality of what’s inside. We know that regulators are examining more deeply than ever before. We know that changing economic and environmental conditions make up-to-date risk management necessary to thrive, survive and be profitable. We know that small oversights can result in big problems, and we believe in providing solutions that empower institutions to manage risk accurately, thoroughly and efficiently. From our in-house legal and risk management experts to our software solutions to our unlimited training and support, we build each solution from the inside out.

It’s what's on the inside that counts.